Homeopathy To Heal

Classical Homeopathy

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Moms – The Hub Of The Family


Before I write how much moms are the hubs of their family’s health care, I want to say, moms take care of you. I know we so often put ourselves at the bottom of the list, or maybe not even on the list. I know I did. Take care of you, as firstly as you can.

Since this is being posted right after Mother’s Day, I am wishing all moms a very happy, belated, Mother’s Day.


I was introduced to homeopathy years ago, when I was part of a La Leche League play group with my sons. La Leche League is a breastfeeding support organization. Some of the moms of the playgroup talked about homeopathy. I had never heard of homeopathy. I thought what is this! I started to do some reading and attended some classes locally. Three years later, I enrolled in a program that was in Devon, England – The School of Homeopathy. The school still exists, but is located in a different part of  England. I was a mom who wanted to know more about homeopathy. I wanted to learn.hands blue

Moms are the advocates of their family’s health, whether for their children, their partners, their parents, their extended family, their friends, their pets and themselves. A father too may be the mom of the family, or an aunt, or a good friend or some other relationship. I am including all those relationships into one, and calling them mom, the mom of the family.

Moms are often my contact person for whoever the patient is in the family. They are the ones who call me initially. They know when their families are well, and not well. They know if something has changed with a family member. They are good observers. They know. They sense. They are aware. They may not know what is wrong or bothering the family member, specifically, but they know something is not right.

When sensing that something is not quite right with a family member, moms will seek out health care for that person. Moms may do research to see what choices of care that are available. These may have not been known before and are completely new to them. The mom may ask other moms what they know, and who they know who could help. When homeopathy has helped a family member, which often is a child, the mom will often continue to use homeopathy, bringing other family members in for homeopathic care and also telling their friends. They will be spreading homeopathy to the world, to their own world.

During the case taking with the patient, moms are helpful in giving their observations and knowledge of the patient. They will voice what they have noticed has changed. They will express their observations. Their information helps in knowing more about the particular family member who has come in for homeopathic care.

I feel very grateful for moms. A big thank to you all.

Homeopathy To Heal

I am noticing that people who come for homeopathic care have been experiencing a health issue for quite awhile. They may have received other healing treatments, yet they are not feeling any better.

We are a one being, and everything is connected. Often, there are a range of symptoms that the person is experiencing – physical, emotional, mental, behavioral or spiritual. Homeopathy is always addressing the person, the totality of the person.

These are some of the health issues I have seen recently: trauma from an environmental event, a disappointed love, a loss of a loved one, a head injury that resulted in hearing and vision sensitivity, skin eruptions, pain in the shoulder blades, extreme anger, nasal congestion, and reaction to medications or a vaccine.

In the healing process, there is an unraveling and an unfolding of what the person is experiencing. I am seeing that people have layers. It isn’t necessarily one homeopathic remedy, but a series of them, using one at a time. I always say we start where we start.

If you or a loved one is experiencing a health issue, I invite you to contact me here on this blog or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. I offer a complimentary 20+ minute Get Acquainted Call. I work with babies through older adults, pregnant women and nursing mothers. And I have worked with the cats and dogs of some of my patients. I see patients in person and virtually in and out of the San Diego, California area.


I am always happy to talk to people about homeopathy, and how it can be of help. If you know of someone who would be interested in reading this blogpost or is interested in knowing more about homeopathy, I would appreciate you passing it on to them. Thank you.

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  • Homeopathy is its own form medicine, based on the homeopathic principle The Law of Similars or Like Cures Like. It is finding out how the person experiences what bothers them and giving them the homeopathic remedy that is similar to what they are experiencing.
  • To me homeopathy is very simple, it is this matching of what the person is experiencing to a homeopathic remedy. Homeopathy is also elegant.
  • Homeopathy is not herbal medicine, essential oils, nor supplements.blocks spelling homeopathy
  • There are over 4000 homeopathic remedies. They are made from plants, metals, minerals, animal, imponderables, such as the mobile phone and sunlight. Anything that is on our planet Earth can or has been made into a homeopathic remedy. No animals are killed to make the homeopathic remedy. Only a small part of a feather, milk, blood, venom is needed from the animal to make the homeopathic remedy. 
  • Homeopathic remedies are made in a very specific way, called potenization. It is a dilution and succussion process. Succussion is shaking the diluted remedy that is in a vial vigorously and hitting it against a book or hand. This is the hand method of doing it. There are also machines that do this.
  • Healing is a process. Sometimes more than one homeopathic remedy is needed in the process of healing.
  • Homeopathy was developed in the late 1700’s by the German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. One of his books is THE ORGANON.
  • Homeopathy helps with first aid situations, such as burns, sprains, cuts, wounds, falls, surgeries, broken bones, and physical traumas. It helps with acute health issues such as flues, colds, fevers,  coronaviruses, stomachaches, sore throats, coughs and more. And with chronic ongoing health issues, that are not resolving although the person is using medical treatments. Health issues like skin eruptions, digestive issues, headaches, autoimmune illnesses, anxiety, fears, ongoing grief, menstrual issues, allergies, coughs, ear infections, neurological disorders, autism spectrum, never been well since ___________ and more. 
  • Homeopathy looks at each person as the individual they are and at what they are experiencing. Homeopathy is treating the person, not the disease. We are are all different.  
  • Homeopathy is practiced all over the world.
  • I have been practicing homeopathy for over 20 years. I continue to learn. I continue to have the feeling of WOW about what homeopathy can offer for people in their health care.

Homeopathy To Heal

A patient of mine has told me that I am a very good detective. I smiled when he said this to me. I think he said that because I ask a lot of questions, such as tell me more, or how does that feel in your body. I ask because I want to know as much as I can about this person, this person’s world. I listen, observe, witness, and put this all together to make a a total picture of the person. I guess that is being a good detective.

Many of the people I see in my homeopathic practice have used other healing treatments and they are not feeling any better. If you or a loved one has a health issue that is bothering you, I invite you to set up a complimentary 20+ minute Get Acquainted Call. Let’s talk, and then you can decide if you want to make an appointment. I work with babies to older adults, with pregnant women and nursing mothers. Anytime in someone’s life is a good time to use homeopathy.

You can contact me here on this blog or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. I see people both in person and virtually in and out of the San Diego, California area.


If you know of anyone who is interested in knowing more about homeopathy or would be interested in reading this blog, I would appreciate if you would pass it on to them, and/or pass my name onto them. Thank you. 

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Homeopathy – Follow Up Appointments

Follow up appointments. What are these? Why do them?

I don’t think we are used to doing follow up appointments with our doctors. We take the given medication and that is it. Maybe we are told to come back if we are not feeling any better. I have had a patient say to me, why do I need to come back to see you for a follow up if I am doing better? That is true. I am adding, if you have been feeling well, and then start to not feel well with the same symptoms or with new ones, come in for a follow up.

What Happens In A Follow Up Appointment With Me

In the follow up appointment, we go over everything that was spoken of at the first appointment or the prior appointment, to see what has happened. What is the same. What is different. What is worse. What is better. What is new. Sometimes, I have asked about something, and the person says, I forgot about that. That doesn’t bother me anymore, or it is better. I had to mention the symptom, which triggered them to think about how it is for them.

For me, as a homeopath, the follow up appointments tell me how the person has responded to the homeopathic remedy. It helps in deciding whether the patient needs another dose of this homeopathic remedy, a different homeopathic remedy, or to wait and let this homeopathic remedy continue to move things forward.

In a lot of cases, the first homeopathic remedy did not do that much. By having a time to go deeper and to understand what the patient is experiencing is part of the healing process. I have seen that some patients need a series of homeopathic remedies. Each homeopathic remedy moving us to the next one, as the person heals. This is common. We don’t continue to use a homeopathic remedy if it is not doing anything. We need to see how the person responds to the remedy, how their healing moves, giving the homeopathic remedy again or another homeopathic remedy when needed. The homeopathic remedypainted fencce heart stimulates the person’s own healing. We want to see what that healing is like. We are all individual. The follow up appointments help to see the individual.

Sometimes, the first homeopathic remedy helps a lot. I wanted to add that. Again, we are all individual.

A Patient

With one of my patients, who came to homeopathy because they experienced extreme sensitivity to sound and noise, the first and second homeopathic remedy did not do much. Two weeks after taking the third homeopathic remedy, they told me that their ears did not hurt when they were washing their hands. That may seem like a very small event. To me that was huge, and I think to them it was too. We continued with that homeopathic remedy, using it when needed, increasing the strength or potency as needed over time. They have done very well, telling me that they have their life back. This was over a period of time.

Homeopathy To Heal

Why do the follow up appointments?

In some ways, it seems as though the follow up appointments are for me, the homeopath. True, from the follow up appointments I learn how my patients have responded and how their healing process progresses. This helps me to know how to proceed. For the patient, these appointments continue the healing process. As I said, often, a series of homeopathic remedies are needed, using one at a time. We have layers, symptoms and states of health, that come up as we heal. It is a process of unfolding.

If you are a patient of mine, and you want to do a follow up, and it has been awhile since we have seen each other, please be in touch. It is never too late to do a follow up appointment, and it is never too late to use homeopathy.

If I can be of help to you or a loved one, please contact me here on this blog or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. I offer a complimentary 20 + minute Get Acquainted Call. I see people of all ages, babies through older adults, pregnant and nursing mothers for many different health issues. I see people in and out of the San Diego, California area either in person or virtually.

These are some of the health issues that bring people in for homeopathy:

  • First aid, like burns, falls, sprains and cuts.
  • Acute health issues like the flu, colds, stomach aches, coughs, sore throats.
  • Chronic health issues like menstrual issues, digestive issues, headaches, hormonal imbalances, skin eruptions, just not feeling well, thyroid issues, insomnia, coughs, sinus congestion, fears, lingering grief, arthritic pain, reaction to medications and vaccines, a stabbing pain, asthma, allergies, anxiety, and more.


If you know of anyone who is interested in knowing more about homeopathy and/or reading this blogpost, I would appreciate you passing the blog and my name on to them. Thank you. 

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Healing Is An Unfolding

Recently, I saw a patient who I have worked with for many years. Homeopathy has helped her a lot, along with her doing other healing types of treatments. This time she had been experiencing a pain in her left lower scapula. It was so painful that she was unable to sleep. She was in a lot of pain, and was so tired.

At first, we spoke briefly and I suggested a homeopathic remedy that is good for a first aid situation. This remedy was based on how she experienced the pain. It did not do much.

We spoke further, taking more time, to see about the pain, about her emotional state, when it started and more. She spoke about how she feels when she is around her family. I suggested another homeopathic remedy, which she has used before, with a lot of success. This homeopathic remedy helped just for a bit. She still was in pain and was not sleeping.

We spoke again. She told me about how it was when her mother was ill. How she was taking care of her mother and the interactions with her family at this time. Her mother had passed away a year and a half ago. I suggested another homeopathic remedy. Actually, this is the first homeopathic remedy she took when she started with me years ago. This homeopathic remedy helped, yet there was still some pain and she was still having trouble sleeping.

A lot of times, a well chosen homeopathic remedy can be a good choose, and works well, to a point. There can be a block or a layer that needs to be addressed for the healing to continue. This is what I was thinking was happening with her. I gave her another homeopathic remedy to help remove the block. With this homeopathic remedy, the pain lessened greatly, and she was sleeping. She was also feeling irritable, with others. In a way, that was a good sign, because now she was allowing feelings to come up and to surface. The pain in her scapula area had been the start of things/feelings coming up. In a way, it was a good sign. After taking this last homeopathic remedy, she said she was 90% better. We have not used another remedy at this time. We may need to give this last remedy or the one before that one again.

My patient did see her physician during all of this to have a hands on exam. Everything was fine. And she did see other practitioners. She told me that it was homeopathy that was the main help. I think homeopathy helped the other treatments to work better.

Healing Is An Unfoldingmarigold-1503876_960_720 (1)

There was no magic pill, meaning that one remedy addressed everything. It was a process, and a series of homeopathic remedies was needed. Each homeopathic remedy helped in its way, and also lead to the next one. Having the time, for someone to say how they feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, in the present time and in the past is very helpful, and is needed. It is a process, an unfolding. I don’t know if all the information and understanding of what my patient was experiencing would have been given or would have been accessible from the start of when we talked.

I know we want the magic pill, because we want to feel better right now. Healing takes time. And when there are layers, it is good to allow the layers to emerge and come up, so that they can be seen, witnessed, acknowledged, and healed. Healing is an unfolding.

Homeopathy To Heal

If I can be of help to you or a loved one who is experiencing a health issue, I invite you to contact me here on this blog or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. I offer a complimentary 20+ minute Get Acquainted Call.

Homeopathy is helpful for first aid, acute health issues, and chronic health issues. I work with people of all ages, babies through older adults, pregnant and nursing mothers. I work virtually and in person, in and out of the San Diego, California area.

If you know of anyone who may be interested in homeopathy or in reading this blogpost, I would appreciate if you pass it on to them. Thank you. 

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I Am Reminded Often Why I Do Homeopathy

I sometimes feel in awe about what homeopathy is and what it can offer people for their health. 

  • The listening, the witnessing of the person. Giving a space for people. The person does not need to be verbal. Family members can fill in the case with words. It is observing, witnessing the person, seeing what has changed.  
  • The putting together the pieces – the symptoms, the emotional state, the mental state, the sensitivities, and more – that make up the whole picture of abstract-background-2389018_1280the person, making up their totality. How this comes together.
  • The process of healing – how people share and reveal what is bothering them, their unfolding, their uncovering. And what the healing process is like for them.
  • Very often the health issue that brought the person in, whether it is physical, emotional or mental, doesn’t have a name or diagnosis. In homeopathy, it doesn’t matter. Something is bothering the person. Homeopathy hears this, focusing on the person. The homeopathic remedy fits the person, assisting in their healing process. 
  • Time – to be with the person, witnessing them. And how someone’s healing process evolves and unfolds. Because it is a process, more than one homeopathic remedy may be needed over the course of time. Each homeopathic remedy helping to move the process along. 
  • What homeopathy can offer for people’s healing. Promoting a save and gentle healing.
  • How homeopathy can be helpful for many health issues: first aid issues, like falls, burns, sprains, cuts, bites; acute health issues, like flus, colds, and sore throats; and chronic health issues, that a person experiences on and off for awhile.
  • Assisting the body in its own innate healing process. We have a wonderful ability to heal. Homeopathy assists in this. 

Over the last few months, these are some of the health issues that people have come to homeopathy for: severe depression; feeling anxious; lingering grief; sensitivity to sounds and noises; stiffness in the joints, jaw and head pain; tightness in the neck; reactions to vaccines; coronavirus and flus; skin eruptions, such as psoriasis, warts, and eczema; hemorrhoids; menstrual issues; digestive issues and stomach aches; ear aches, coughs and nasal congestion; and stomach flus. I have received calls from people regarding other health issues. I haven’t seen these people, yet.

Homeopathy To Heal

If I can be of help to you or a loved one homeopathically, I invite you to schedule a 20+ minute Get Acquainted Call to see if homeopathy is something you would like to pursue. I see babies through older adults, including pregnant and nursing mothers. (I also see the animal members of the family.) It is always good to know you have choices in yours and your family’s health care. You can contact me here on this blog or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. I work with people in person and virtually, in and out of the San Diego area.

If you know of anyone who may be interested in homeopathy and/or interested in reading this blog, I would appreciate if you would pass this on to them. Thank you. 

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Not Feeling Well, I Invite You To Have A Conversation

In this blogpost, I often list the different health issues that people call me about, and/or are coming in for for homeopathic care. Some of these health issues are: menstrual issues, never been well since taking birth control, skin eruptions, allergies (seasonal), fatigue, sensitivity to electrical energy, congestion, coughs, headaches/migraines, itching, post traumatic stress, ADHD, pain and discomfort in their back and legs, psoriasis, heart palpitations, sensation of a lump in their mouth, a lump under their armpit, and urinary tract issues.

I am actually amazed when I speak with people, hearing what they are experiencing and for how long they have experienced it. It is usually an ongoing health issue, in which they have used or are using other healing treatments, including western or allopathic medicine. They are not feeling any better. They may be getting some relief from these treatments and medications, for a short period of time, but the symptoms continue to bother them and affect their life. They may also be experiencing side effects from the medications.

In these calls, I start to hear about this individual: what they experience, how it started, what the pains and discomfort are like, and more. These calls are actually the start of taking their case.

These people are looking for help, and are open to other possibilities for their health care. One of the reasons that I write this blogpost is to tell people that they do have choices in theirs and their family’s health care. One of these choices is homeopathy.

Some people who I talk with make an appointment, and some people don’t.

I Invite You To Have A Conversation

I offer a 20+ complimentary Get Acquainted Call. In this call, you can hear more about homeopathy andwomen-7490657_960_720 how I work as a homeopath. And I start to hear about what is bothering you. This conversation helps you to decide whether you want to make an appointment to work together.

I invite you to have this conversation with me.

Homeopathy To Heal

I see people of all ages in my homeopathic practice, babies through older adults, and pregnant and nursing mothers. I see people in person in my consultation room in the San Diego, California area. I also work virtually, seeing people all over the world.

I witness, I listen, I observe, I hear what you have to say, show and share with me about what is bothering you. I don’t do a hand’s own exam. I am not a MD. I am trained as a classical homeopath.

Often more than one homeopathic remedy may be needed in the healing process. The homeopathic remedies assist your body’s wonderful ability to heal itself.

Homeopathy is helpful in first aid, acute and chronic health issues.

You can contact me here through this blogpost or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. The first step is having a conversation.

If you know of someone who may be interested in knowing more about homeopathy and/or would be interested in reading this blogpost, I would appreciate you passing it on them them. Thank you. 

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Homeopathy – Healing A Family

In my homeopathic practice, I often work with families, seeing several family members: the children, one or both of the parents, a grandparent, a good friend, and a beloved cat or dog. I really enjoy working with families, and getting to know them. A friend said to me that working with families may be my niche.

Healing – The Family

family-in-chalkUsually it is one of the children who starts to see me. As they are doing better, a sibling, a parent, or another family member starts to come in for homeopathic care. By working with the different members of the family, I see the interactions, the similarities, the differences between the family members, and the medical history of the family. Just as each of us are a whole to ourselves, and the symptoms we experience are pieces of this whole, the family is a whole, and each member of the family is a piece of this whole.

Sometimes, one of the family members that is not feeling well becomes the center of attention for the whole family. As this family member starts to feel and do better in their health, other family members can now pay attention to themselves. It is as if the other family members were holding back, focusing so much on this one family member that needed so much, that now the other family members can focus on themselves, their needs, and their health because the focused family member is feeling better. Helping one family member is actually helping and focusing on the whole family’s health.

Some Health Concerns That Family Members Experience

These are some of the health concerns that members of a family have come to homeopathy for:

  • pains in the abdomen before menses
  • chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia
  • difficulty with vision
  • tantrums, acting out
  • fears
  • sleep difficulties
  • earaches, congestion, fevers, coughs
  • broken bones, fractures
  • skin eruptions and skin feeling very sensitive, warts, eczema, bumps on their face, psoriasis
  • breathing difficulties – asthma
  • epilepsy
  • depression and anxiety, with pains in the stomach
  • digestive issues
  • reaction to a vaccine or a medication
  • menstrual issues – menopause
  • sore throats, strep throat
  • teething
  • migraines and headaches
  • feeling very chilled
  • difficulty focusing
  • vaginal discharges
  • vertigo
  • just not feeling well
  • coronavirus

Usually, what brings the first family member to homeopathy is a chronic health issue. Then another family member comes in for a chronic, or an acute, or a first aid issue. Homeopathy becomes part of the family’s health care resources, along with western medicine, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, therapy and other healing modalities. Homeopathy can be used along with western medicine.

Homeopathy To Heal

If you don’t see what is bothering you or a family member on the list above, it doesn’t mean homeopathy can not be helpful for you or your family member. Homeopathy is helpful for many of the health issues people experience today. It is always looking at the individual and how they experience what is bothering them. Homeopathy is helpful for physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health issues.

I invite you to contact me and let’s talk to see how homeopathy can be helpful to you and/or a loved one. I offer a complimentary 20+ minute Get Acquainted Call. You can contact me here on this blog or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. I work with people locally and outside of the San Diego, California area, either in person or virtually. I see babies through older adults for many different health issues.

If you know of anyone who may be interested in homeopathy or in reading this blogpost, I would appreciate you pass it on to them. Thank you.

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How Are You Feeling?

How are you feeling?

Are you feeling well? Are you not feeling?

How long have you not been feeling well?

How does this not feeling well affect your life?

How would you like to feel?


The not feeling well could be given a specific diagnose, given a name or label. It could be that you have symptoms that bother you, very often, and they don’t go away, or that you experience flare up episodes of the symptoms. It could be that you feel an emotion that lingers, or is felt very strongly, such as grief, fear, anger, loneliness, depression or anxiety. It could be that focusing on your work is sporadic and you lose your concentration. People do not feel well physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

What Some People Have Said To Me

We are all different in what we say is bothering us. And we are all different in how we experience “not feeling well”. Here is what a few people have said when answering these questions:

  • I am so exhausted. I can’t even vacuum my house. I am so tired. I get up in the morning, and then I need to take a nap very soon afterwards. I would like to have the energy I used to have.
  • I have these skin eruptions. It is eczema. I have always had this. It is always itching and is all over my body. I want this eczema gone!
  • I have had this cough for the last 3 months. Sometimes I have a coughing fit, and then I feel so tired afterwards. I can’t talk too much because I will start coughing. I would like to feel better. I would settle with just not coughing as much.
  • My child goes to school for only half a day. He becomes so upset with snowflakeshimself if he doesn’t do an assignment right, or the way he feels it needs to be done. He will get mad at himself, and sometimes throw things or run away and hide. He takes medication daily, but he still feels this way. I would like him to be happy – to not be so upset with himself, to enjoy school and to have friends.
  • I always have to watch the kinds of foods I eat, otherwise, I have severe stomach pains and diarrhea. I feel so limited in what I can eat. I have to know where all the bathrooms are located when I go out. I would like to be able to eat like everyone else.
  • I have allergies. Every spring I am so congested, and it is difficult to breath. To breath all year round would be great!
  • I have hot flashes at night. I wake up in the middle of the night, feeling very anxious, and then the hot flashes come. I sweat so much. And during the day I feel so anxious too. No more sweats and hot flashes, that is what I would like.
  • I feel so emotional about things that are happening in my life. I cry all the time. To not be so emotional, or to understand it better would be nice.
  • Any kinds of sounds and noises hurt my ears. I have to wear earplugs and earmuffs. I have stopped working and I have limited that types of activities I used to be part of. I can’t even listen to music which I love. (Homeopathy helped this patient a lot. They are back in life again. “I have gotten my life back.”)
  • I just don’t feel well. I am tired all the time, and have this cold that just won’t go away. My doctor says, I am fine, but I feel as though I am not fine. To feel well and not be tired would be good.

This Is A Start

What each person said about themselves is a start in learning about them. If they choose to come in for homeopathy, together we go deeper to understand more fully what this “not feeling well” is like for them. We are all different in how we experience “not feeling well”.

Often people who come to homeopathy have used other healing treatments, and are not feeling better. They are open to homeopathy. Some are new to homeopathy and have used homeopathy before. What they have in common is that they want to feel better.

Homeopathy is helpful for chronic, ongoing health issues; for acute health issues such as colds, flus, stomachaches, and earaches; and for first aid type of issues, such as burns, falls, sprains, cuts, bites, recovery from surgery and dental work.

Homeopathy To Heal

How are you feeling? Write it down. If you are not feeling well and would like to feel well, let’s talk and see how homeopathy could be helpful for you. You can contact me here on this blog, or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. I offer a 20+ minute complimentary Get Acquainted Call. I see people of all ages, babies through older adults for many different health issues. I see people virtually and in person, in and out of the San Diego, California.

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The Healing Process With Homeopathy

In my homeopathic practice, I often see people who have been experiencing a health issue for awhile. They possibly have used other healing treatments, taking or have taken medications, and are not feeling any better. I offer a complimentary Get Acquainted Call, which you haves seen in prior blogposts. In these calls, people tell me what is bothering them, and what they have done or looked into to help themselves feel better.

The types of health issues I hear in these calls are a wide range of health issues. Skin eruptions, anxiety, ADHD, menstrual issues, vaginal discharges, constipation, MS, swollen eyes, allergies, flu, vaccine injuries, digestive issues, falls, difficulty focusing, headaches, joint pain, just not feeling well and others. Some of the people make an appointment with me and some people don’t.

I know that the homeopathic appointment is different than what most people are used to when seeing a medical practitioner. First of all it is longer. I block off 2 hours for the first appointment. I don’t do a physical exam. I am not a MD. I am a homeopath. I do look at skin eruptions that are located on areas that the patient feels they can show me. I ask a lot of questions, and may ask the same question again. I often say, tell me more about __________. I follow what the patient is saying about what is bothering them, wanting to know as much as I can about the patient and about what they are experiencing. How a patient tells me what is bothering them, their choice of words and their language is very important.

I listen. I observe. I witness. I would like to say that I give space to the patient. Some people tell me a lot and some people say little. From what they tell me, a picture emerges. It is their totality at this time. This is where we start, and leads to the selection of the homeopathic remedy that fits them, at this time.

The word HOMEOPATHY means similar suffering. What I do as a homeopath is give the similar to whathomeopathic remedies the person is experiencing in the form of the homeopathic remedy. The homeopathic remedy stimulates the person’s own healing ability, assisting them in their own wonderful ability to heal. That is why I need to know as much as possible about the patient. This guides me to the selection of the homeopathic remedy that is most similar to what the patient is experiencing.

Healing Is A Process

Healing is a process. Follow up appointments help us to see this process, specifically how the patient has responded to the remedy. These appointments tell us if the person is feeling better, worse, the same, past or older symptoms have come back, and/or new symptoms have come up. By knowing what the response has been to the homeopathic remedy tells the homeopath how to proceed: whether to wait, to give the homeopathic remedy again, to give a different potency of the homeopathic remedy, or to give another homeopathic remedy. It is very common to need several homeopathic remedies over the process of healing, using one remedy at a time.

There are over 4000 homeopathic remedies. They are made from plants and herbs, from minerals and metals, (think of the periodic table), from animals, such as the milk from mammals, feathers from birds, venom from snakes, spiders, insects, sea animals, and other substances. Homeopathic remedies are made in homeopathic pharmacies, in a very specific way. Homeopathy and how the homeopathic remedies are made was developed by Samuel Hahnemann, the German physician, in the late 1700’s. If you are interested in knowing more about homeopathy, the book IMPOSSIBLE CURE by Amy Lansky is a good book to start with.

Homeopathy To Heal

I feel that homeopathy can give people hope regarding their health. It can promote a deep healing. Sometimes only one homeopathic remedy is needed, and sometimes several homeopathic remedies are needed as the process of healing unfolds. One remedy being used at a time.

If you or a loved one has a health issue that has not resolved, I invite you to look into homeopathy. I offer a complimentary 20+ minute Get Aquatinted Call. I see people of all ages, babies through older adults. Homeopathy is safe to use for pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. I see people for many different health issues. It is the person who is being treated, not the disease. You can contact me here on this blog post or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com.

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We Are All Different

We are all different.

We experience our health issues uniquely to who we are. We may be given a diagnosis, a name, a label to the symptoms we are experiencing. Someone else may also have gotten the same diagnosis, name or label too, but each of us experience it differently. Each of us are different.yellow umbrella

We are all different. Health care and taking care of ourselves is not a one size fits all. We need to address each person as the individual they are. 

Seeing how each person is as an individual is one of the things I love about homeopathy.  

As a homeopath, when I meet with the patient, I am finding out about this person in front of me, about how they are as an individual. The diagnosis, the name, the label is a part, a piece of the totality of the person. I want to know more, such as:

  • What brought the patient in for the appointment. 
  • What are their symptoms like. 
  • How do they experience their symptoms.
  • What is the pain and discomfort like.
  • What side of the body is affected.
  • What makes the symptoms better or worse.
  • When did the symptoms start. What was going on at that time.
  • What other symptoms do they experience.
  • What is their emotional state like.
  • How would they describe themselves. What are their interests. 
  • Their dreams.
  • Their fears.
  • What situations trigger the person.
  • Their medical history.  

With knowing the pieces of what make up the patient’s totality, a homeopathic remedy is given that is similar to this totality. The main principle of homeopathy is The Law of Similars or Like Cures Like. Sometimes a series of homeopathic remedies are needed, using one at a time, as the healing process unfolds. The homeopathic remedy (remedies) needed are ones that fit this person. We are all different. And there are over 4000 homeopathic remedies. 

Homeopathy To Heal

Homeopathy is healing and helpful for many different health issues. Most of the people who come to homeopathy have a chronic health issue that has been ongoing for awhile. These health issues can be physical and emotional.

Homeopathy is also helpful for first aid and acute health issues. First aid issues are burns, sprains, falls, cuts, and wounds. Acute issues are flus, colds, sore throats and stomachaches. Emotional issues also can be helped with homeopathy. We are a totality, so many times the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual are connected. 

If there is a health issue that you or a loved one has been experiencing, I invite you to set up a time to talk with me to see how homeopathy could be of help. I offer a complimentary 20+ minute Get Acquainted Call. I work with all ages, babies through older adults, for many of the health issues people experience today. I work with people in person and virtually, in and out of the San Diego, California area. You can contact me here on this blog or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com.