Homeopathy To Heal

Classical Homeopathy

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Giving Space

This past week I was reminded about how space is given in the appointment when I see a patient.  Space to talk, to show, to express what is bothering them. Nothing had changed in this particular appointment on how I meet with a patient. I was just reminded of it. I felt and feel a deep respect and wonderment on how homeopathy can give the kind of space that a person needs.

My job is to witness what is bothering the patient. I have learned over the years to meet the patient where they are. To be flexible. Where they are now is where we start in the healing process, giving the homeopathic remedy that is similar to them at this time.

How Some Patients Are

Some patients are very factual in their telling of what is bothering them, relating numbers of tests, or not elaborating on how they experience their symptoms. This may be what they are used to when going to a health practitioner. Many times it is a physical symptom or a specific name/label/diagnosis that has brought them in for homeopathic care.

In addition to telling me about their physical symptoms, some patients talk about their emotional state. hands - sculpted Often sharing a story, a situation, or a relationship that they are in now or were in the past, and how they feel about it. How it affects or affected them.

Some patients may not say so much about their physical symptoms. They talk more about the world they life in, their reality, feeling that something is not quite right about it. Often they will say, “This doesn’t make sense”, or “I don’t know what I am saying”, and continue to talk. This is what happened this past week with a patient. I have had people say “I sound crazy” or “This is crazy what I am saying”.

If the person is non verbal, such as a baby, they are expressing themselves in other ways than in words. Wherever the persons speaks from and however they speak.


I want to mention again how homeopathy can be helpful when someone has coronavirus; for someone who has had the virus and is continuing to not feel well; and someone who may have had a reaction to the vaccine.


I work with people of all ages who have a persistent and ongoing health issue and are not feeling as good as they know they could. Despite doing different healing treatments, they feel their health issue has not been resolved and have no clue on how to do so. We work together to get to the root cause of their health issue, and heal there.

I invite you to contact me here on this blog or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. I have a complimentary 15+ minute Get Acquainted Call. I work with people both virtually and in person in and out of the San Diego area.

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Being Stuck

Being stuck.

When someone is not feeling well, whether it is an acute illness or an ongoing chronic issue, they are stuck. Stuck in the symptoms they are experiencing, whether they are physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual ones. Not moving stuck-snow-carforward from the symptoms. The symptoms are not changing and the person is not feeling better. There is no movement.

For example, if someone has an acute illness such as a dry, unproductive cough that is lingering and lingering, exhausting the person, we want to see the cough starting to loosen up, becoming a more wetter type of cough. Maybe starting to cough up some mucous, and the nose starting to run. There might even be a rash. This is movement and change. Not being stuck anymore. The person is healing.

With a chronic, ongoing health issue the person lives with the symptoms. There may be flare ups or episodes, and there may times that the person feels better, but then the symptoms come back. The person may think that this will never change, accepting that this is just part of their life or how their life will be. This is being stuck.

I say often to someone who has an acute illness, we want to see change in your symptoms. We want to see movement from what you are experiencing. This is showing that you are healing, no longer being stuck. 

A lot of the patients that come to homeopathy are stuck. They are stuck in their symptoms, in their state of ill health. Whether it is skin eruptions, menstrual difficulties, anxiety/depression, fears, breathing difficulties, just not feeling well, sore throats, digestive issues, nausea, pain, arthritis, headaches …. They are stuck.

Homeopathy heals, creating movement, helping someone to become unstuck, so they can live their live fully.  

If I can be of help to you or a loved one homeopathically, please contact me here on this blog or through my website www.homeopathytoheal.com. I offer a complimentary 15 minute Get Acquainted Call. I work with people locally in the San Diego area and with people all over the world virtually.