Homeopathy To Heal

Classical Homeopathy

I Am Feeling SO Anxious – Homeopathy Heals


anxious face


 We all experience anxiety, sometime. It is part of life. But when it is present most of the time, or extremely intense, it can get to the point that it restricts and limits how we live our lives. We may use medication, meditation, food, deep breathing, excessive alcohol or drug use, to help calm or distract ourselves. All these may help, at the time, to a point, but they don’t really heal what is going on inside of us.

Some of what we are anxious about could be:

  • Performance and how we appear to others – stage fright, presentation, interviews.
  • Family members -their health, their financial situation, their safety
  • Ourselves – marital status, finances, career, education, success, health, family, safety, aging, moving, having a new baby, becoming a father or mother, loss of a loved one.
  • Travel – by air,  going to another country, eating different kinds of food.

Some ways that anxiety could be expressed:

  • Physical symptoms -heart palpitations, butterflies in stomach, dry mouth, sweaty palms, diarrhea, antsy, vomiting, insomnia, digestive issues.
  • Emotional and mental symptoms – persistent thoughts, paralyzing fears, anticipating – what ifs, worries, phobias, nightmares.

No two anxieties are really alike. There could be common experiences, symptoms and reactions, some of which I have mentioned above, but underneath, deep down, each person experiences their anxieties uniquely to them. This is how homeopathy approaches any ill state, by finding out through observation, listening, uncovering what the ill state is like for this person.

I want to tell you about a woman who was extremely anxious, and how homeopathy helped her. She was very concerned about her family and their safety to the point that her teenage children could not be left alone in the house unless she was there, or another adult was in the house with them. This may be appropriate for young children, but not needed for teenagers. She was afraid that someone would break into the house. And if she had a driving trip coming up, and she was the driver, she was very anxious that she would possibly lose control of the car. This anxiousness and anticipation would start several weeks before the trip with her having nightmares. After taking the homeopathic remedy that was similar to what she was experiencing, her anxiety lessened. She was able to leave her teenagers alone in the house, her driving trips become uneventful, and she was no longer anxious before the trip.

Homeopathy heals at the core or root of where the anxiety is coming from. With this deep healing, the other symptoms – physical, emotional and mental – also become less and are healed.

If you see yourself a little bit in this blog post, perhaps it is time to see how homeopathy can be of help to you.


Author: Pamela Hird Klein, PDHom(UK)

I am a classical homeopath. I attended The School of Homeopathy in Devon, England and the California Center for Homeopathic Education in San Diego, California. The latter program focused on the Sensation Method. In my practice, I see babies through older adults, for all kinds of health concerns, ranging from skin eruptions, asthma, women's issues, insomnia, sinus issues, anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue and more. www.homeopathytoheal.com

2 thoughts on “I Am Feeling SO Anxious – Homeopathy Heals

  1. I actually just started taking arg-n last night! Very timely.

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