Homeopathy To Heal

Classical Homeopathy


The Direction of Cure: How Homeopathy Assesses Healing, in Regards to Asthma and Eczema

In the Tuesday, May 14, 2013 Health section of the U-T San Diego, there was an article on asthma. The title of the article is REPEL THE ASTHMA ATTACK. It is written by Beth Wood.  There is a quote by Dr. John Kelso, an Allergist at Scripps Health’s Division of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. This quote caught my eye.

Dr. Kelso says, “Eczema, food allergy, hay fever and asthma are lumped together because if a patient has one, it’s a threefold chance that they have the other. They are genetically linked.”  Here is the the link to the article if you would like to read it in full:  http://www.utsandiego.com/news/2013/may/13/repel-the-asthma-attack/

I was excited by this quote. This quote was expressing how homeopathy often sees these four health concerns. The rest of the article talks about asthma using western methods for treatment, so it is not an article on homeopathy.

In homeopathy, we often see the connection between eczema and asthma. If a person is using a cortisone type cream for their eczema, they may develop asthmatic symptoms as the eczema seems to be going away. The disturbance that manifests in the person having eczema is actually going deeper into the body as a result of the cortisone cream treatments. The skin may be looking better and the person may feel that they are better in regards to the eczema, but now the person may be experiencing breathing difficulties, such as in asthma, and/or sensitivities to different foods, such as in food allergies. This is not a healing. The cortisone creams has been very suppressive. The disturbance has gone deeper into the body and affecting more life threatening organs.

What is happening in this situation, is the opposite to the Direction of Cure or Hering’s Law. Dr. Constantine Hering was a well known homeopath living in the 1800’s. Through his observations of patients’ healing, he came to certain conclusions on how the healing process progresses. These conclusions are called The Direction of Cure or Hering’s Law. Knowing Hering’s Law, helps the homeopath to assess how the patient is healing.

The Direction of Cure or Hering’s Law states that healing takes place:

  • From center to the circumference –  moving from the center to the outer. This means the symptoms are moving away from the brain, which is the center and the seat of consciousness, reasoning abilities, and memory. The brain is responsible for all the other functions of the human being.
  • From above downward  –  moving from the head down the body. This pertains mostly to skin conditions. Eruptions move from the head towards the extremities. Think when you have a rash, how it may start on the chest area and then it moves down the body, often leaving the body through the hands and feet.
  • From vital organs to less vital organs. There is a hierarchy of the organs in terms of their importance for life: brain, central nervous system, endocrine system, liver, lungs (there are two), kidneys (two), bones, connective tissue, stomach, intestines, muscles and skin.
  • In the reverse order of appearance (the last symptoms to come/to be experienced are the first to go).

A photograph of Constantine Hering

                                                               constantine hering 1

Each of us is a whole, unique person. Our symptoms are expressions of an imbalance in the wholeness of us, just manifesting in a particular area in which we have great sensitivity. In a healing, we want the wholeness of the person to be better. And yes, homeopathy is extremely helpful for people who experience asthma, eczema, hay fever and food allergies.  Homeopathy creates a healing, rather than just managing, alleviating or palliating the symptoms.